Amanda is originally from Brighton, and is still located in Sussex. She is currently training at The Greater Brighton MET on the ‘FDA Acting and Contemporary Theatre Making’ degree.
Thoroughout her training, Amanda has expanded her skills in various areas such as Film and TV acting, Improvisation, Stand-up Comedy, Clowning, Physical Theatre, Site-Specific, Classical Theatre and Devised Theatre. Amanda is also Musical Theatre trained and continues to receive private singing training on the side with Victoria Farley, director of West End Theatre Academy. She is part of a local theatre group, called ‘Littlehampton Musical Comedy Society’, in which she played a lead role of ‘Margot’ in ‘Legally Blonde The Musical’ at ‘Windmill Theatre’, and her most recent feature role as ‘Alice’ in ‘Thoroughly Modern Millie The Musical’, which she will be performing August 2019.
Amanda has previously worked on shows in the Brighton Fringe (2018), such as ‘Medea’ in which she played ‘Princess Creusa’ and ‘Chorus Leader’ at ‘The Brighton Open Air Theatre’. This play was directed by Denise Evans, whom played ‘Medea’ in the original ‘Company Collisions’ version and taught Amanda the original Greek songs to perform in the show. Amanda has also worked with director Tanuskha Murah in ‘Windmill Young Actors’ theatre company, to devise their most recent Fringe show called ‘About A Revolution’, which received excellent feedback and contained her own personal testimony.
In her spare time, Amanda loves writing and after watching the West End Musical ‘Hamilton’, she was inspired to write her own spoken word to feature in the Northbrook MET showcase. This received brilliant feedback and she hopes to perform more of her writing in the future.
Amanda enjoys travelling the world and trying new things such as Jet-skiing, Roller-Blading and Quad-Biking and has a strong love for animals.